Goochland/Powhatan CASA advocates within the Juvenile Court system for the best interest of abused and neglected children guided by the belief that every child is entitled to a safe and permanent home.
To serve the board as a voting member; to develop policies, procedures, and regulations for the operation of CASA; to monitor finances of the organization, its programs and performance.
Serve a three-year term; may be reappointed for additional terms. Attend board meetings as scheduled and any special meetings called at the request of the president, the executive director or one-third of the Board. Attend standing committee meetings, if a member, as scheduled. Participate as an ad hoc committee member, if appointed or requested. Attend board retreats, in-service workshops and other board development activities. Attend and participate in special events, as needed. Two to three hours of time a month
Obligations of Board:
Understand and support the mission of the CASA organization which has been established. Set and update procedures and policies. Hire/fire/supervise, evaluate and support the executive director. Secure adequate funds. Monitor use of organizational finances. Develop and update long-range plans. Fulfill board’s legal responsibilities. Submit to background checks.