In honor of National Reunification Month celebrated in June, Goochland CASA celebrates volunteers and service providers who work hard to identify family strengths to reunite separated families. At Goochland CASA, we are grateful to our volunteers for their involvement in reunifying children with their families. Goochland CASA volunteers work with experts to identify and recommend services aimed at keeping families together. We know children do best when they can safely remain with their parents or with other family members. That’s why Goochland CASA volunteers commit to strengthening families in their ability to care for and protect their children. National CASA/GAL’s second guiding principle for its member network of 939 state organizations and local programs focuses on and recognizes the importance of family preservation and/or reunification. The National CASA/GAL Standards for Local Programs states:
— It is in a child’s best interests to remain with their family of origin when safely possible;
— The program acknowledges that children experience trauma when separated from their family of origin; and
— If a child is removed from their family of origin, it is in the child’s best interests to be
reunified with their family of origin as soon as safely possible.
• According to the Children’s Bureau with the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the majority of children exiting foster care are reunited with their families. In fact, over the past few years, the percentage of
reunifications that occurred in less than 12 months from the time of entry into foster care was
between 65.5-67 percent.
• CASA/GAL volunteers tend to be assigned to the most difficult and complex cases being
adjudicated – serious cases of maltreatment, in which children are at great risk, and cases with
extensive child welfare involvement over time. In 2021, 42% of CASA/GAL case closures were the result of reunification with parents or primary caretakers or children and youth remaining with parents throughout the life of the case.
• Placing children with relatives helps to maintain family connections and cultural traditions
that can minimize the trauma of family separation and relieve the anxieties that come with
traditional foster placements.